I have to do a quick shout out to Rach from Roxy Creations. First of all her shop is to die for!!! I love it when I am lucky enough to find a talented artist like this. Her shop is stunning!! Click the link below to go and see for yourself:
or http://www.roxycreations.etsy.com
and.... the reason for the shout out... is to thank her for featuring my Stick puppets in an awesome treasury. See it here:
Thanks a bunch Rach.. and best of luck with your shop.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
We're Back! Sort of!! :*)

We'll I've been out of the loop forever. I sincerely apologize for not even having the time to keep my blog updated. I'll do a quick synopsis of the last 9 months of my life.
I had my son Jan. 3rd.. super cute, healthy, and the sweetest little guy you'll ever meet!
March I took the kids home (WA state) for a visit with all the grandparents and family.
Mid March - hurt my back - had to have a micro disectamy on my lower spine.. yikes! Wasn't fun, although quite the blessing that it happened in WA where I had all my family to help with my kids. This turned my 3 week trip to WA state into a 3 Month stay while I healed.
Late June returned home to Florida... and slowly tried to get into a routine by myself with the kids. I flew my brother back with me to help for 2 weeks and ended up putting him to work painting the kids rooms and helping me decorate them. I hadn't even had my son's room together yet.
August... my oldest daughter celebrated her 4th birthday and started pre-school... Tears... and Tears of Joy. Scary and fun all at the same time. She's so ready for the stimulation... mommy just wasn't quite ready to let my first baby start the never ending path of school days and letting go. She's doing fantastic by the way!!
That leads me to now! I'm slowly getting time to work on my shop. Although it's been really hard now that I've given up my craft room to my son. I now share the playroom as my craft room. This makes it super challenging especially now that I have a son crawling who likes to stick everything in his mouth! Yikes! So I've decided to focus on smaller runs, completely hand-sewn items. I am really enjoying this now since I can focus on the best part of having my own shop which is creating what I love and focusing on the details.
I just listed some of my latest projects. Some hair bow holders - for all that couture hair candy you buy. I've also made some felt puppets and some hand embroidered artwork. Here are a few pics above.
Thanks for all the kind and loving words. My customers never cease to amaze me. I truly am blessed with the best customers.
Heres to you, CHEERS!
birch tree,
christmas gifts for kids,
hair bow holder,
hand made,
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Lemons and Lollis Temporarily Closed

That's right. It's time to celebrate the Holidays as well as prepare for the birth of my son. I'm in my 9th month of pregnancy and counting down the moments till his arrival - wish me luck!! I will eventually re-open once things normalize around our house.
Please subscribe to this blog to receive an email notification of our grand re-opening. Just enter your email address in the "subscribe me" box on the top right corner of our blog.
In the meantime - I wish all of you the happiest holidays. Many blessings!
Thursday, October 2, 2008

So I have to share with you all my latest creative project. I finally sacrificed my unused dining room to make the coolest playroom for my daughter and soon to be son. I really tried to not girlie it up too bad - which is so hard for me to do. I'm so into girly things, but I'll let you be the judge.
I got super lucky with a huge discount at Pottery barn for their Cameron playroom storage. I got their floor models at 50% off. I really just got lucky - I had been wanting these forever, but honestly couldn't bring myself to spend the money. Then one day I finally decided, I'm just going to save up the money for these. So I went in and struck up a conversation with the sales clerk (she may have been the manager) and was trying to figure out exactly what I wanted and how much I would need to save up. She then says "I'll tell ya what, I just got an email that we need to re-merchandise the store and I can sell you these floor models for 50% off". I screamed I'll take them! You never see them marked down that low and I couldn't believe my ears. It was exactly what I had been looking out - color and everything!! So that started off the playroom makeover.
Then.... I started thinking I really need to get a play tent for my daughter. Everyday my poor couch was getting torn apart as she created her next fort out of cushions and blankets.
After getting really tired (partly because I'm pregnant) of putting the cushions on the couch every time I wanted to sit down and relax I finally went on the search for the perfect play tent. There are so many cute ones out there. Pottery barn has an awesome play tent that hangs from the ceiling. I also found these super cute cloth play tents that a lady made which were even more spectacular. But, after coming down to reality and realizing I couldn't spend $100 - $350.00 on a play tent I figured I could just make one! I have tons of fabric laying around from my shop so I used the scraps I had to piece together what I think is a super cute tent - plus it matches the decor. I even added these really cute Christmas lights that have tin covered star shaped cutouts around each light so it casts a star like glow inside the tent.
I already had the play table which I bought a long while ago from Land of Nod - Another store I absolutely LOVE!!! So the last thing I needed was some floor cushions. Another search ensued and again - I thought, hey I can just make some of these. I already had some large pillow forms I had bought a while back for a project that never came to be and again I raided my fabric stash to come up with some monogrammed pillows. I monogrammed an "E" for my daughter Eeva and a "K" for my soon to be son Kalevi. I think these turned out super cute.
I'm still searching for that perfect rug to tie it all together... but haven't had much luck. I always have the hardest time committing to rugs for some reason.
Anyways... I'm so proud of my little project and best of all now I can contain all her toys in one room - this has been so nice!! I'm not tripping over toys in every room of the house now. YEAH!
Hopefully I can inspire some of you moms with my little projects. I would be happy to answer any questions just send me a convo via my shop and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Happy Crafting!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
New Delux Baby Gift Sets

We have joined forces with some extremely talented artists to bring you our newest addition of Deluxe Baby Gift sets. They include our popular reversible bib with designer topstitching, burp cloths, swigg critters made from vinyl and super modern, chime balls , and hand knitted beanie caps. Take a look here. They are super cute- The pictures once again aren't doing them justice.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Couture Hair Candy Collection
I am so excited to introduce my latest collection. I call it my Couture Hair Candy line. Every little peice handcut, handsewn by myself. I've included sparkly touches such as sequence and glass beads. I hope you can appreciate the details in these pictures. I think they look so much cuter in person, and I really tried to take the best pictures I could. Argh... but I'm no photographer and I do get easily frustrated.
Anyways... if you feel like you haven't heard from me in a while it's probably because it's true! I've been a little out of the game lately due to my recent pregnancy, but now well into the 2nd trimester I felt my energy spike and my nesting instinct has kicked right in. This new line is the result of all those nesting instincts. I hope you love how they turned out as much as I have enjoyed working on them. Thanks again to all my supporters out there. I now have 135 blogger subscribers which personally I feel is quite the accomplishment considering my little place in this world. I'm so blessed to have all that love out there. Here's to you! Cheers!
handmade baby gifts,
lemons and lollis,
Monday, June 2, 2008
Newest Baby Collection FAWN OVER ME

Our newest addition to our shop entitled "Fawn over me". This sweet collection features our original artwork in beautiful shades of teal, raspberry and lime. Have you ever wondered when someone walks past your baby and doesn't "ooh... and ahh"? Well... this collection is sure to grab their attention and say "HEY YOU, fawn over me!" Our image of our little fawn and references to "baby Deer (Dear)" and "Doe a Deer" add to the whimsical feel of this layette. PLUS... we are adding coordinating baby slippers to match. We are finalizing the pattern still, but these are turning out super cute! Get a sneak peek here with one of our "OOPS" booties. We have to make a few oops to perfect the pattern, sizing, and sewing issues before we will release these to our wonderful customers! Enjoy, and please let me know what you think! I'm dieing to hear feedback on this set.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Lemons and Lollis is OPEN!

That's right - Lemons and Lollis is now Open!
Yeah... phew! It's been a while huh? I am so happy to say we are settled in our new home - and loving it here in the beautiful state of Florida! I am pleased to say I have re-opened my shop; however, you will notice it is on a much more limited scale. Due to time constraints in my personal life, I don't think I'll be able to offer as many products as before. I am pre-sewing everything now so I am currently scalling back on the baby clothes. This won't be forever, I promise.. but will be for a while. I am working on some new toddler clothes and hope to get those in my shop in the next month or two. In the meantime, I have a sale on some of my winter collection and just introduced my brooke dress/top. These are all sewn and ready for immediate shipment. They are super cute - I hope you love them as much as I do! Enjoy!
Visit our shop: Lemons and Lollis and support handmade!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
NEW Eeva Dress

I call this eeva dress "finlandia" it just has that swedish/finland style print. Large geometric in fun shades of pink, raspberry, brick and various shades of green. It reverses to a beautiful filigree print in a brick color. This particular eeva dress is priced a little higher than normal due to the high quality cotton. I typically use a high quality quilters cotton for my dresses and this cotton even out performs that! It is a superior grade cotton - you have to feel it to appreciate it. This is unlike anything you will find in childrens clothing today. I absolutely love it! I am constantly striving to bring my customers the highest quality childrens clothing that is modern and unique. This dress is no exception. These sell out super fast (my cherry bomb eeva dress I just listed 3 weeks ago is already sold out)... So you were warned! :*)
To shop: please click here!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
New Collection

A lot of you may remember this fabric print from some of my prior lines. It was so super popular and one of my personal favorites. So I was so bummed when I tried to re-order it from the manufacturer only to find out they discontinued it. So how did I get it? We'll I am always checking out various fabric stores (imagine that), and happened across an obscure fabric shop in North Carolina. I found a few yards left of this moda fabric and scooped it up immediately. Knowing, it is sold out EVERYWHERE!! Trust me I looked and looked! Anyways... so here it is... long story short introducing my "Daisy Chain" line. Enjoy!
Only available at Lemons and Lollis
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Baby Jackets

I just added to my collection of Sweamonets. I love these little jackets and I took extra special time on this particular one. Adding a sweet bird applique on the back with a trail of sequence. I also added a box ruffle along the neckline. This one is definitely my favorite! Limited quantities are avialable. I have only made 2 in each size and that will be it!
Available at http://www.lemonsandlollis.com/
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Reversible Toddler Dresses

After much demand I am finally getting some more eeva dresses made up. This one is now up in my shop and I have two more designs coming. I think this print is fantastic for christmas time. Don't worry if you don't live in a warm climate - My daughter wears hers over a pair of jeans and a long t-shirt for a bohemian chic look. Or pair them over a t-shirt and leggings to dress up a dull outfit. Available exclusively at LEMONS AND LOLLIS!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Lil' Bakery Shop Gift Sets

Shop Now!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Share your pics!
Well... I have said this a million times, but I truly have the best customers ever. You guys rock my world. I frequently will receive some pictures of your darling little angels dressed in Lemons and Lollis attire. I LOVE BABIES!!! So it's always a treat to see your wee ones! I updated my website with a new gallery that features some of these pictures (with permission of all their mommies of course!).... so check it out!
If you would like to join in on the fun - and see your little one up in "lights" on my website - send me a picture of your little one in a Lemons and Lollis attire or playing with a Lemons and Lollis toy - and you will receive a something extra special from me! Just send your photos to lemondropsandlollipops@hotmail.com Once again - thanks for supporting handmade by shopping Lemons and Lollis!
If you would like to join in on the fun - and see your little one up in "lights" on my website - send me a picture of your little one in a Lemons and Lollis attire or playing with a Lemons and Lollis toy - and you will receive a something extra special from me! Just send your photos to lemondropsandlollipops@hotmail.com Once again - thanks for supporting handmade by shopping Lemons and Lollis!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Nursery Pillow

I am constantly striving to find new and interesting fabrics to try all these projects roaming in my brain. I always tell my husband I have so many ideas and never enough time to make them. Well.. this was a project lurking in my design book for some time now and I am so excited to finally see it brought to life. I will be doing a whole line of these modern nursery pillows. I wanted to do them all at once; however, once this first one was completed, I just couldn't wait to get it in my shop. I hope you love the way it turned out as much as I love it! These are limited editions so scoop it up soon, before they are all sold out.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Cuteable Feature!
I have to share a shopping blog that I am totally addicted to. I only became privy to it when I had some of my products featured on this blog. Once I saw it, I was totally hooked!! It's called Cuteable. If you want a fun bit of inspiration sent your way subscribe to this blog, you won't be dissapointed. Sion Lee is the man who runs it - and yes... if you ever read cuteable you will find this fact that he is a "man" quite shocking! I guess I always assume if you have superb taste, you must be a girl, so I was shocked to learn that "she" was actually a "he." You can read a fabulous interview of Sion on "this rocks my socks" blog. Not only does he find interesting products, but he also runs indiepublic and has his own shop full of fabulous art ubiki.
Thanks Sion for supporting us artists and featuring such wonerful finds!
Check out his websites:
Man - this guy is busy!!!
Thanks Sion for supporting us artists and featuring such wonerful finds!
Check out his websites:
Man - this guy is busy!!!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Hand Knit Baby Hats

Brand new to our shop these beautiful Hand Knit Baby/Toddler Hats. Available up to size 2T and will surely keep that little ones head super warm this upcoming winter season. Plus, she'll look even more stylish when it is paired with one of Lemons and Lollis signature onesies! Limited quantities available!
Click here to shop now!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Modern Nursery Artwork

I am so excited to introduce our new line of nursery artwork. Created by the talented artist Trevor Gagner of "The Vision Parlor" these fun and modern prints would work for any childs room. These are limited editions prints of 100 and come signed by the artist.
I can totally picture the whole series hung up in a row on the wall. These fabulous prints will definitely add that punch of color to any little ones room! Plus they are printed on a high quality canvas and are shipped to you ready for framing. SHOP NOW!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Christmas Time!

Yikes! I can't believe I am posting this - but I couldn't resist! This was a gift set I was hoping to save till Christmas, but it is so modern and sweet I honestly think it is appropriate for any season. So here it goes.. Newly added to my shop today and after many requests I added a baby blanket that coordinates. Enjoy. Please click on pictures to buy. Thanks for supporting hand-made.
Available only at http://www.lemonsandlollis.com/
Baby blankets,
baby shower gifts,
etsy kids,
handmade baby gifts,
lemons and lollis,
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