Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Baby Blocks - Keepsake

I absolutely adore my latest creation. These are such a unique addition to a nursery or playroom. Made from beautiful fabrics from Amy Butlers Lotus Collection. Each side of the block is a mini quilt. I literally quilted each peice before peicing the entire block together. If you look closely on the pictures you can see the detail work. This set is for A B C and coincides beautifully with my Amy Butler Modern quilt. Hang that little quilt in a nursery and add these blocks on a cute shelf and you have the custom nursery unlike any others.

PLUS... what baby wouldn't want to look at these hip, modern shapes and colors. Teach them colors and the ABC's in style!

check them out at my shop! and always.... please support us starving artists by shopping ETSY.

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